jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

TASK 7. ENGLISH. 5è and 6è.

Hello girls and boys,

Hope you are fine!

In this task we're practicing possessive adjectives. Here's the link:



1) Do the first 6 exercises on line. (Don't send me photos!)
2) Send me an email writing a small text (minimum 8 sentences) about the exercises.

Your text must include:

5th class- sentences with is/are, with I like/I don' like, I like.....best, my favourite exercise is...

6th class- sentences with was/ were/ wasn't and were'nt , with comparative and superlative form.

(Vuestros textos deben incluir todo lo que está subrayado, vale?)

Here are some useful adjectives: easy, difficult, entertaining, boring, funny, long, short.....

Don't use the translator!!!👎 La idea no es poner la oración en castellano y copiarla del traductor sino que intentéis formar oraciones con lo que hemos aprendido. No se trata de copiar y hacerlo perfecto, se trata de aprender!! If you have any problem, just tell me!

Send me your mail to tmari@educaib.eu until Friday 15th May.

A big hug


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