martes, 5 de mayo de 2020


Hello girls and boys!

Today we're going to review "There is a ..." "There isn't a..." There are..." and "There aren't any..".

1. Here's a link to practice "There is a ..." and :" There are..."
When you finish the exercise, click on "Check" and take a screen capture(captura de pantalla) or a photo.

2. What is there in your bedroom?

Write 12 sentences in your notebook ( 3 for each verb structure) describing which objects or furniture you've got in your bedroom. If you don't know the words, look them up in the google translator.

3. Let's ask about our classmates favourite....??

Write 5 questions, one for each of your classmates, asking "What's your favourite...?  Here are some ideas:
animal, colour, food, drink, fruit, sport, activity, TV programme, actress, actor, singer, book, .......
Come on, use your imagination!!
Next Thursday we're having a meeting at ZOOM to ask the questions of ex. 3  orally. I'll send you the invitation to your mail.

You can send me the 3 photos to my mail until Wednesday 6th May. Please, write "your name. Task 5. English"! Thanks...

A big hug

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