jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020


Hello girls and boys,

Here's task 11! Write a text in word/open office or googledocs(drive) with the title "My daily routine" using all of the following verbs blue coloured (usando todos los verbos que están en azul) :
In the morning....
get up, have breakfast, do my homework, play, help

In the afternoon...
have lunch, help, play, go (for a walk, to the beach, etc..), do (gymnastics, exercise,etc...)

In the evening...
have dinner, read, watch TV, brush my teeth, go to bed

Write complete sentences  about these activities and at what time you do them, like this:

"In the morning, I get up at seven o'clock and I have breakfast at a quarter past seven.... "

Write three paragraphs starting each with "In the morning.." "In the afternoon" and "In the evening".

Write different times, at least (al menos) "at.....o'clock", "at half past...." at a quarter past..." and "at a quarter to" .
You can write more, but at least five sentences in each paragraph!

Come on, you can do it!💪😉

You can send your text to my mail tmari@educaib.eu, until Friday 29th May.


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