jueves, 23 de abril de 2020


Good morning girls and boys!

Hope you're doing well👍😉

This task 3 consists of describing two members of your family, your brother or father and your sister or mother. You'll have to do 2 descriptions. The point is describing a boy (He's..., He's got ..../ He's wearing ) and a girl (She's.../ She's got../ She's wearing).

Remember useful vocabulary to describe physically: (big or small) mouth and nose, a fringe, a beard, glasses, tall, short, pretty, handsome. Hair style: curly, straight, wavy (ondulado), eyes (big/small blue/green/brown/black eyes.)

Remember useful vocabulary to describe what they are wearing:a jacket, jeans, shorts, a jumper, a shirt, shoes, trainers, a tracksuit, trousers, a T-shirt, a dress..

Remember grammatical structures you can use:
Describing a boy:  He's..., He's got ..../ He's wearing
Describing a girl: She's.../ She's got../ She's wearing.

Adjectives  always go before the noun : She's got big blue eyes, He's wearing white trainers.

Describe an aspect per sentence:
                                                                                            She's got short hair.
She's got short straight brown hair    👍 😃                      She's got straight hair        👎😕
                                                                                            She's got brown hair                                                                         
Your descriptions must have the 3 grammatical structures, at least 8 sentences each ( al menos ocho oraciones cada descripción, pueden ser más..) and a drawing of each member of the family you are describing.

You can send  a photo of  your descriptions to my mail tmari@educaib.eu until Monday 27th.

Happy St. George's Day!🌹📙

A big hug

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