martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


Good morning Sirio and Leire,

How are you doing? Hope you're doing well.

Here's an exercise to review (repasar) there is/are (present) and there was/were (past), its interrrogative and negative form, too.

Look at the picture for the present time:

Now look at the picture for the past tense:

Now let's do some work! Click on the link below and follow the steps:

First, look up in the dictionary/translator the words you don't know.
Second, think (piensa): is it present or past time? Is it singular or plural? affirmative, negative or interrogative?
Third, answer the questionnaire.

Para poder evaluar esta actividad enviadme dos fotos: una de la libreta con las palabras que hayáis buscado en el diccionario o traductor y otra con una foto de la pantalla al final del cuestionario con  el tanto por ciento de respuestas acertadas.

Tenéis hasta el jueves 2 de abril a las 20h para enviar  las fotos a mi mail

Ánimo chicos! You're doing it brilliant!
A big hug

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